Health is very important to humans. Exercise is the thing to do to achieve a healthy body.
This time I will discuss the 5 benefits of sports for health .
The first benefit of exercise is to increase the immune system so as not to get sick easily. Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, WebMD's health director, explains when the body sports will be more free to move. This will trigger the process of metabolism and blood circulation becomes more smoothly. The result is healthier body and strong and not susceptible to disease.
2. Make the body more robust
Movements made during exercise stimulate all parts of the body to be more flexible. Body muscles also become more elastic and not stiff. For sports children is very important to support his posture. According to Kathleen, children who exercise regularly from childhood will have a sturdy posture and not bent while walking.
3. Stimulate ideal growth
When the body is used for activity, calories in it will burn more perfect. Kathleen explains this calorie will be processed into energy as a whole without any remaining and potentially cause fat body stack. The body gets a sufficient supply of nutrients to smooth the process of growth and development ideally.
4. Improved thinking power
In addition to physical benefits to the body, Kathleen again explained if regular exercise also has a good role to improve the child's mind. The fruits of physical activity carried out regularly make the brain more adequate nutrition intake. The brain develops regularly and makes your child smarter when the learning process arrives.
5. Increased appetite
This kind of goodness is probably what the little one really needs. Movements made during exercise stimulates the digestive organs are also actively moving. Digestive organs will work more optimally to adjust the energy needs for the body. Food that enters the stomach will be processed in its entirety and make your baby finally hungry. He will eat more voracious variety of healthy dishes that you have served. Thus the last explanation Kathleen Zelman who is also a nutritionist.